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Release 0.1.2 Update

Evil Mutant Gummy Bears
A browser game made in HTML5

This new update has taken a bit longer than planned as I got distracted by the GMTK game jam. Most of the changes for this update were actually done two weeks ago except for a minor change to the medic.

What's new:

  • Red gummy bears now breath fire
  • Added player damage indicators to show where the damage is coming from
  • Added a rescue goal which rewards you with random loot for each NPC rescued
  • Added a medic who can heal the player and any hurt NPC's.

The fire breathing gummy bear was something I've been wanting to do for a while and actually worked out to be quite easy. One of the particle packs I'm using came with a flame thrower effect which I was able to use to get the desired result. The end goal is to give each of the coloured gummy bears a different weapon or behaviour. The theory is that it'll keep my scope down initially while still providing a bit of variety.

The damage indicators were next, and while only a very minor feature in the big scheme of things, they were sorely needed to give you some idea that you were being hurt, and from where.

NPC's can now be taken back to the rescue point behind the police road block, when they reach the cross on the ground they'll disappear in a cloud and they'll leave some loot in their place. For now that's some extra ammo but I haven't decided on what it'll be in the finished game yet. My theory behind this feature is I wanted to provide some incentive for rescuing the NPC's, but at the same time doing so won't be required to complete the game.

The idea behind the medic was to do something a little different than just having first aid packages to collect. To heal yourself or another NPC you simply need to get close to the medic and she'll begin to heal you or the NPC. The medic can die just like any other NPC and you can even ask them to follow you. The bigger picture behind this idea is to try and give a purpose to all of the NPC's beyond just being canon fodder or decoration. My theory is that while you don't have to help the police hold the road block, if you do then they'll help protect the medic, who in turn can heal you, therefore it's in your interest to help protect all of them.


  • 76 MB
    Jun 20, 2021
Download Evil Mutant Gummy Bears
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