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A Small Heads-Up!

Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hey guys! How was your day? 
Mine is not so good, I have some bad news I want to share ^^;

1. My laptop's WindowsOS got corrupted because I accidentally interrupted an update so I got it reinstalled. Good news: no files are lost! Bermuda is safe and sound!

2. I was planning to get vaccinated sometime this month, so I got my blood test done along with my mom's. The bad news is I got diagnosed with Hyperaggregation. It means my blood is thicker than normal and it easily coagulates. Mine is 4 times thicker than normal and it's still increasing, which is bad because I can't get vaccinated because of this and apparently, I'm in danger of getting a stroke/heart attack. 

In order to fix this, I must eat medicine, exercise daily, eat less meat, drink lots of water, and... fix my sleeping hours. I cannot sleep past midnight anymore, which is bad news because my programming time for Bermuda will get cut. And I mean, by a LOT. I'm a night owl, so this will really hurts my productive time... Q_Q 

I will do my best, but in between exercising and fixing my sleep hours, I'm afraid I won't get much time as I did before to do programming. So here I am, giving you guys a heads-up: While I'm fixing my lifestyle for health purposes, please excuse me if I progress slower than before *bows*

I will still update weekly and do my best to polish Bermuda, but until I'm healed, I'm afraid there's not much I can do Q_Q
That's it for now and thanks for reading!


P.S. They're not kidding when they say we should drink lots of water and eat more greens! The doctor knows my symptoms--bullseyes each time, too! (Heavy body, constantly feeling tired, whether I eat lots of meat/seafood... basically, the doctor listed all my bad behaviors in one go.  I got scared by the end of my visit lol) 

Download Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle
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