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2D AI Tool Pro 1.2.1 is available

2D AI Tool Pro for Unity
A downloadable Unity 2D AI Tool Pro

This a small update that fixes some really important bugs found and adds some useful options in some states. This update may arrive for Unity Asset store users after some time, it depends on the queue of packages that curators of Asset store need to review, which could take a week or 3 days.

A Remind to all users that change the internal code

  • You may get compilation errors if you have changed something in the code, and that is out of my control. But I can help you fix the errors, send me a private message on Discord or in the email support. This goes for any versions, and always use any version control like Github.

All notable changes to this project will be documented on Devlog posts and the ChangeLog file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. This changelog refers to the Pro version of the tool.

[1.2.1] - 2021-06-11


  • New option for the E_DodgeState to flip the character if he detects a ledge behind it, to prevent it from falling when dodging too close to a platform ledge.
  • New option for the E_DashAttack to stop the character if he detects a ledge in front of it, to prevent it from falling when dashing too close to a platform ledge.
  • New option for the E_Attacks to flip the character to targets directions or not.
  • New option for the Projectiles script to use Tags alongside the layers.


  • Fixed a bug where the A.I. wasn’t working on Editor if the experimental option ‘Reload Domain’ is disabled in Project settings.
  • Fixed a bug where the A.I. wasn’t working on Build.
  • Fixed projectile script bug that was hitting the target some frames ahead.
  • Changed how the E_DashAttack damage targets throughout the state.

[1.2.0] - 2021-06-01


  • Special node called “PlayAnimation”, acts just like a normal state but only plays animations.
  • Special node called “OnPlayerInput” that is triggered by an internal event when the player press the specified input, work with both Old and New Input managers.
  • Special node called “OnObjectsClose” that is triggered by an internal event when the entity is inside a specified collider’s trigger or inside the OverlapCircle.
  • Special node called “OnEntityHealth” that is triggered by an event when the entity’s health is bellow or equal to a specified percentage or value.
  • Special node called “OnDamageDirection” that is triggered by an event when the entity receives damage from a specified direction.
  • An entity state node called “E_ChangeObjectsStats”, that can be used to change sprites, materials, layers, tags, and some others stats of objects in the scene with specified tags.
  • A component called “EntityInteractable” that is required for triggering the OnObjectsClose nodes, also uses Unity events to trigger logics in the inspector.
  • A component called “EntityInput” that is required for triggering the OnPlayerInput nodes, also uses Unity events to trigger logics in the inspector.
  • New API calls for the EntityGraph, which retrieves the new event-based nodes.
  • Internal methods to the EntityAI that is used to handle the new special nodes.
  • New API call for the Entity for checking the facing direction.
  • The demo scenes now supports both New and Old Input manager.


  • Add a new layer set up for the demo scenes: “Player Projectiles”. To split both projectiles so they can collider with both ground and enemies.
  • Refactor of Projectile script, now it uses OnTrigger events to damage targets and an internal OverlapCircle to detected the next frame position, preventing the projectile to pass through colliders.
  • Optimized the EntityGraph APIs to retrieve nodes from the graph, by adding a dictionary call instead of Linq queries.
  • Fixed issue with the entities facing directions when they return from the pool.
  • Fixed issue with rotation transform of entities in Top-down mode.
  • Fixed issue with FollowTarget, and FollowPartner states where they could lose the target and return a generic error.
  • Fixed the name of the EntityGraph windows, where they were not displaying the correct name of the file.
  • Fixed animations of demo scene enemies.
  • Changed the min value of the rotation speed on EntityData.
  • Changed the path to the Editors windows of EntitySystemEditor and Help file.
  • Changed folder name of the Editor windows.
  • Removed unused Odin serialized directives.

[1.1.0] - 2021-05-21


  • A special node called “MultiTransitionalNode” allows states to transition to multiple states in a specified order.
  • New Type of projectiles called MissileProjectile, that follows the target and can be damageable if layers are properly set.
  • New sprites in demo scenes for projectiles.
  • Better debugs warning and error logs in NavMesh-based states to better inform problems with missing NavMesh, and targets outside NavMesh.
  • New bool type option on E_ShootProjectile.cs called “instantFirstShoot”, where if “true” the state will shoot the projectile on state enter instead of waiting for “delayBetweenShoots”.
  • New example of how to use the MultipleTransitionalNode on the “Shooter” entity in the Platformer demo scene.


  • Some Projectiles.cs Private variables encapsulation to Protected for using they on Parent classes.
  • Optimization on E_DodgeState.cs, like caching, internal class, and cleaning code.
  • Clamped value of the float variable “delayToExitState” to 0f minimum in E_SpawnObject.cs.
  • Clamped value of the float variable “delayBetweenShoots” to 0f minimum in E_ShootProjectile.cs.
  • Clamped value of the float variable “delayToExitState” to 0f minimum in E_ShootProjectile.cs.
  • Clamped value of the int variable “maxShootsInState” to 1 minimum in E_ShootProjectile.cs.
  • Fix missing initialization of the targets’ layer mask on Entity.cs OnEnable method.
  • Fix bug where the state E_ShootProjectile.cs could be stuck if the animation played too fast.
  • The delay between shoots now will only start when the shooting animation finishes.

[1.0.0] - 2021-05-17

  • First Release


  • 2D AI Tool - Pro 1.2.1.unitypackage 27 MB
    Jun 11, 2021
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