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v1.0.2 (More bugfixes)

Clockwork Calamity in Mushroom World
A downloadable world for Windows, macOS, and Linux

This is just another update with some bug fixes. The bugs probably won't happen to most people, but they are actually somewhat serious.

Secret Crash Bug

There was a crash bug that occured when you examine items in a certain secret room. It's fixed now.

Bugs in Other Worlds

There was an error in world generation which caused weird broken rooms to appear in certain Mushroom Zones. When you entered them you would often get stuck or trapped.

I don't think this affected the main world. It seemed to only affect alternate worlds with odd numbered IDs. Also, the error seemed to be specific to the Corpse Facade mushroom zone.

I fixed the configuration of the Corpse Facade and regenerated the worlds. Even numbered worlds should remain the same, and odd numbered worlds should be mostly the same, except for the Corpse Facade which will have a different layout.

I hope this update won't break anyone's saves, but...

If you enter the regenerated Corpse Facade using a save file from a previous version, you might find that items you left around are now stuck inside walls, due to the layout change. I think it's unlikely to happen, but it's possible for someone to lose an important item this way.

Also, if you happened to save at a memory in the old Corpse Facade using a Memory Disk, and the memory moved to a new location after the regeneration, you will probably just spawn in the middle of nowhere instead of at the memory. I don't really know if this will cause problems.

If your save has issues like this as a result of the regeneration, you can send me your save data (and a description of the problem) and I can try to repair it.

Here are the save data locations for each OS:

  • Windows: <your user folder>/AppData/Local/CCinMW
  • Mac: <your user folder>/Library/Application Support/
  • Linux: <your user folder>/.config/CCinMW

Zip up the folder and send it to me through Twitter (@sylviefluff) or Discord (sylvie#7837) or by just making a post on the forum for the game.

Sorry for the error. I hope I won't have to regenerate the worlds again.

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