Posted June 09, 2021 by tducasse
Small update again today:
Interesting note about how PICO-8 handles the sounds: you have access to 4 channels, and SFX "choose" a free channel when you play them. The issue is that I wanted to loop the "it's burning" sound until the player uses the extinguisher, and stop it when they do.
My solution was to actually choose which channel the sound is going to play on, and attach it to the pan that's burning/about to burn. This way, when the player uses the extinguisher, I can just stop the sound on this channel as well.
One small limitation is that I can only have 2 things cooking at once, but since it's a two player game, I don't see why I would need more than two pans anyway 😂
Next step, trying to make it pretty and maybe draw some animations!