is community of indie game creators and players


Level Design and Characters

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

This is part of a series of updates on my 90 Days & Ship It! Jam 2021 journey. 9 weeks left!

Progress Report

I continued working on the 2 player split-screen mode. It’s working quite well! I needed to figure out a few more game mechanics and try some level designs. Here are some rough sketches that show the first two.

Additionally, I experimented with player sizes. The first player is thin and can get through narrow pathways, but only has one cargo slot at the beginning. The second player is larger and therefor has two cargo slots that can be filled with items. I think this gives the players some character.


Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to make a video this time, since this update was more conceptual. The next update will contain a few more 2P levels and some visual upgrades.

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