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MightyMouse + HoverDisplay Demo

This is just a very simple vid showing some of what my new "HoverDisplay" expansion plugin combined with my up-to-date Mighty Mouse plugin add to RPG Maker MV. (Patron Exclusive)

1. HoverDisplay simply allows for quick any easy text display on mouse hover with format option. It sizes itself & manages overflow. 

2. Drag & Drag that factors in things such as tile & object size, tile passability, & optional stacking. The player, events, and vehicles can all stack by default with lots of plugin option to get exactly what you need. 

3. Hover-related event triggering & right-click triggering. It also enables use of the middle-mouse. 

4. Event centering which as you can see for a small addon can make a difference for some objects like gates & other large objects. 

5. Collision detection which sets of boundaries for events based on the size of the images they display. 

6. Custom cursor that allows you to change/assign custom images for multiple mouse states. (Exclusive version only)  

There's much more my plugins can do. Most of my plugins are patron exclusives but my a free version of my first & most popular plugin can also be found on

Download Mighty Mouse Plugin for RPG Maker MV
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