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Project Apocalypse - Pre-Alpha 1.30.0: Full change log

Dead Alone
A downloadable game for Windows

A new update is live now !

This update was a lot of work for me but as you can see below, there won’t be as many new features as the last one, a reason for this is that the features I worked on are not fully ready to ship and anyway, they don’t make sense in the actual Horde Gamemode. So these features will come with the next major update: The Pre-Alpha 2.0.0 which will include the new Survival Gamemode.

However, I still made several changes, fixes and added new things !


  • Added Explosive Barrels to the game: Deal instant explosive damages and on-duration fire damages. There is 3 types of barrels, each one has specific damages values and they are randomly placed on the map !

  • Added a small sound effect on the last seconds of the timer (this can prevent the player from being surprised by zombies if he is into the Workbench :p)

  • Added a small detail to the weapons, they will now eject their bullet shell (small visual and sound detail)

These features are quite ready but wont be accessible to the player yet:

  • The save system, allowing you to save up to 3 play-through at the same time and access quickly and easily to multiples saves (I still have some serious issues with this but it is very close to be done and will be released on a small update later this week)

  • Backpack system with his upgrades

  • Resources procedural-spawner

  • Sleep system


  • (QoL) The ‘Weapons List’ will now be sorted by the weapon’s importance: Equipped weapons will appear on top of the list, followed then by all the unlocked weapons and then all the locked weapons

  • (Visuals) Changed the clouds and water visuals to be less bright during night time

  • (Visuals) Updated the splash screen (screen that show up before the game’s launch) and icon of the game

  • (Balancing) Increased the number of possible spawnpoints for zombies aroud the map. Increased the number of spawnpoints in which zombies will spawn for each waves

  • (Balancing) Increased the dispersion (reduced the precision) of all weapons when walking or sprinting backward (100% Precision -> 65% Precision)

  • (Map) Made some seamless improvements and changes to the map in preparation for his next extension

  • (Map) Blocked some areas where zombies couldn’t follow the player

  • (Optimisation) Reduced the weight of all the sounds in the game

  • (Other) Added a keybind (F1) which redirect automatically to the discord’s server if you want to submit feedbacks


  • Added some missing descriptions for craft recipes

  • Fixed some areas where there was collision problems with the player

  • Fixed some problems with the zombie Spawners which could cause the zombies to spawn inside walls or on rooftops

  • Fixed a bug with the retry button on the ‘Death Menu’, it now work properly !

  • When the player die the stamina is now properly reseted

  • The player will now alway respawn with the right location and rotation

  • Fixed another bunch of bugs with the Weapons System

  • Fixed a bug with some inputs which was not working properly


  • Project Apocalypse - Pre-Alpha 1.30.0.rar 138 MB
    Jun 01, 2021
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