Posted May 22, 2021 by RealmJumper
This update focuses on expanding the Orc Forest, with new levels, new enemies and a new graveyard that contains a secret necromancer dungeon.
Health and 'Energy' have been reworked into 'Life Force' which you now gain through defeating enemies, and loose over time in addition to enemy attacks. This is to tie the gameplay into some of the dialouge in the final bossfight (and the overall themes of the story) as far as the playing being undead and surviving off of the living.
-Updated Menu Cursor
-Changed Mouse cursor
-Life Force (combined Health and energy, which decreases over time)
-Game Over screen
-Changed load screen background color
-Removed the ability to leave the ghoul bossfight (prevents the boss healthbar error)
-Removed a few random Ring of Smoke in the trees along the borders
-Additional orc forest levels
-Orc Beastmasters and Worgs
-Orc Warriors (which will continue to attack you with spears untill you fire curses at them)
-Orc Archers
-The ring of smoke stays in place even if the Orc Chief was charging when he died
-A third graveyard in the heart of the orc forest
-A Mausoleum side dungeon from the third graveyard (requires a key which is dropped by the orcs)
-Savegames now properly save the scepter of power