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2D AI Tool Pro 1.1 is available

2D AI Tool Pro for Unity
A downloadable Unity 2D AI Tool Pro

This is the first update that the 2D AI Tool - Pro receives. A new powerful State node is implemented: “MultiTransitionNode”. Allowing devs to create a mix of deterministic and Non-deterministic Finite State machines, with this node you can create unique and non-repeatable patterns and behaviors, check the whole Changelog for more.

All notable changes to this project will be documented on Devlog posts and the ChangeLog file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. This changelog refers to the Pro version of the tool, every fix and optimization documented can be applied or not to the Free version.

[1.1.0] - 2021-05-21


  • A special node called “MultiTransitionNode” allows states to transition to multiple states in a specified order.
  • New Type of projectiles called MissileProjectile, that follows the target and can be damageable if layers are properly set.
  • New sprites in demo scenes for projectiles.
  • Better debugs warning and error logs in NavMesh-based states to better inform problems with missing NavMesh, and targets outside NavMesh.
  • New bool type option on E_ShootProjectile.cs called “instantFirstShoot”, where if “true” the state will shoot the projectile on state enter instead of waiting for “delayBetweenShoots”.
  • New example of how to use the MultipleTransitionalNode on the “Shooter” entity in the Platformer demo scene.


  • Some Projectiles.cs Private variables encapsulation to Protected for using they on Parent classes.
  • Optimization on E_DodgeState.cs, like caching, internal class, and cleaning code.
  • Clamped value of the float variable “delayToExitState” to 0f minimum in E_SpawnObject.cs.
  • Clamped value of the float variable “delayBetweenShoots” to 0f minimum in E_ShootProjectile.cs.
  • Clamped value of the float variable “delayToExitState” to 0f minimum in E_ShootProjectile.cs.
  • Clamped value of the int variable “maxShootsInState” to 1 minimum in E_ShootProjectile.cs.
  • Fix missing initialization of the targets’ layer mask on Entity.cs OnEnable method.
  • Fix bug where the state E_ShootProjectile.cs could be stuck if the animation played too fast.
  • The delay between shoots now will only start when the shooting animation finishes.

[1.0.0] - 2021-05-17

  • First Release


  • 1 kB
    May 21, 2021
  • 2D AI Tool - Pro 1.1.0.unitypackage 26 MB
    May 21, 2021
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