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Hang on, I learned something important

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A downloadable game

First off, thank you all for over 2,000 views and nearly 150 downloads! Thats already starting to rival my other VN which was released over a year ago now, and on top of that, the reviews I have gotten are rather encouraging! (Even if the amount is in single digits ^_^') Which actually brings me to what I actually wanted to announce.

I recently read this; How to Get Your Game Noticed: Search Engine Optimization for Itch - Minotaur Hotel by Minoh Workshop, Nanoff , a devlog by Minoh workshop explaining how to get your project to attract more people, most of which I believe I'm actually already doing, which is nice. I found out something both surprising and... not really comforting. Turns out a lot of gay VNs have high ratings, with many of their reviews being four to five stars! Good right? Lots of good games! Heres the problem. Because so many games have such high ratings, giving a VN a review under five stars actually makes it harder to get noticed. I didn't know that till just now, and now suddenly, my four star ratings and a fair few games feel a bit worthless. So to everyone who reads this devlog, if you want to support a game, make it more visible to random people, or something like that, please give it a five star rating. It sounds cheap, and I FEEL cheap saying this, but please give it a five star review, it helps out with getting the algorithm to prioritize showing off a particular game. If you do give a rating though, I suggest you put down in the optional explanation section of the rating what your actual review is, and if you want to, some more details about why you thought it should get that rating. Of course, if you don't really care about it, feel free to give me a three star rating or whatever you feel is fair, I don't mind! I did just try to fish for five star ratings after all. Not trying to guilt trip or anythi- hang on that just makes it sound like I'm tryi- oh goddamn it stop thinking

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