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Devlog 01: What Happens Now?

Fist World Volga
A downloadable fighting board game

Alright, now that the game's been out for a couple weeks I guess it's time to write its first real devlog! One of many from now on, hopefully. Things have been pretty quiet for now, but Data Sparrow's far from out of steam and Volga's not a "dead" project either. 

So, why have things been so quiet?
Simple, really: we've all been busy as hell - both the core team (Marco, Jovan and me, Matt) and the testers. That's mainly because we're all either college students, have full time jobs or both at the same time. So yeah, since the Prime Edition went up we've all just been taking a break to deal with our various life obligations. Work on the game should resume once we've all got time again - which, if all goes well, should be around May 25th.

Work on what, exactly? 
For now the plans include a roster expansion and a possible reintegration of the mech customization system that was scrapped during testing. Both of them would be free expansions of course, and each will launch accompanied by a discount. We haven't settled on the format for either just yet, whether to include them in the core manual or to have them be smaller, separate pamphlets, but we'll figure something out once work resumes.

Anything after that?
Honestly? I have no idea. I've got a bunch of things I'd like to do under Data Sparrow, none of which I'm ready to talk about just yet, but I know they probably won't directly involve Volga. On the other hand though, Data Sparrow's a collective - meaning that if any of my collaborators want to try doing something with this project, they totally can. So who knows? Maybe they've got ideas I didn't even consider when i first drafted up this game. If/when that happens I'll do my best to help out, that's for sure.

And that's all for now! See you next devlog!

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