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Viking’s Daughter v0.25.0 Free Build

Viking's Daughter
A downloadable game

Hey guys, 

We are releasing v0.25.0 for free! It has 4 new animations to the threesome scene with Hertha and Sigrid, new quests and story progress.  Check out the patch notes.

  • Added 4 extra animations to the Threesome scene which are completely different poses, including climax. This scene is available in the Story mode as well.
  • SFW animation scene with Alvilda, discussing her condition.
  • Improved the last tasks of the Herbs’ quest, now Hertha is showing you how to shoot the ships. Added extra dialogues and notifications for Hertha and Sigrid.
  • Added more dialogues for Alvilda’s condition.
  • Added a dialogue before Hilde’s riding animation scene during the quest “Night Journey”
  • Camera improvements during NSFW animations. The old camera had a hard time changing position / rotation (and limits) in the scope of 1 animation scene, but now we have added more features and you can see how during the threesome animation the camera changes its transform a couple of times when the player is standing up, lying down on the ground etc.
  • Improved the archer Ai’s detection, could be seen during the Herbs question task - “Burn the Ships”target
  • Updated the dev save to load the latest Alvilda quest in Skadiland
  • Changed the splash screen
  • Increased the time you have to find Hilde in the waters from 15 seconds to 20. Fixed a bug that kept you stuck in a loop if you exited the dialogues of the animation scene after you save Hilde.
  • Trigger climax from dialogues - could be seen in the new threesome scene. The particle system will be further improved to simulate female’s climax give the user option to start it as much as they’d like.
  • Added more models to Hertha’s farm and Sigrid’s cabin. Next we are bringing up the blacksmith area and slave market.
  • Fixed a bug with Sigrid not appearing after the NSFW scene with Hilde or if you exit it before finishing the dialogues.
  • Fixed a bug with skipping to give items / cold to backers.


  • Viking's Daughter v0.25.0 Win 3 GB
    May 16, 2021
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