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Version 3.01

Another RPG Engine
A browser game made in HTML5
  • Target and subject variables have now been decoupled from the battle controller B. This allows more flexible usage of functions and widgets that call for interactions between characters, but may cause problems with existing code. Report any bugs.
  • Equipment slots are now always occupied by arrays, instead of only those with multiple subslots. This should result in no functional change, but allows me to clean up equipment functions by not having to account for branching functionalities. Note that this update will generate errors with existing games that used previous versions. You will need to update your characters' equipment slots to match the new standards.
  • Default and last actions are now stored as strings rather than full Action objects. This update will cause errors with existing games that store these variables as Actions. Make sure to update existing savefiles if you update to this version.
  • The widget actionlist has been split into actionListBattle and actionListMenu, for the different displays of actions in and out of battle.
  • Actions, ItemActions, and Items now have unique toString functions that determine a standardized display for each. actionList and itemList have been restructured to take advantage of this function, making it much simpler and easier to use. (To customize the action display, attach a custom toString to the Action prototype.)
    • The widget actionInfo has been removed, as it is now redundant with this feature.
  • New Action properties:
    • invisible: If true, the action will not be displayed in the action list.
    • onApply and onRemove: Function as the corresponding properties for Effects and Items. Useful for keeping track of passive abilities, and other side-effects if you want to have modular actions. However, currently there's no in-built functionality for this in the party menu.
    • onUse: Functions as the corresponding property for Items. Rudimentary GUI has been added in the party menu code, but is untested. Report any bugs.
    • toleranceDamage: Determines the number of tolerance points the action will remove if it applies an effect.
    • hits: Determines the number of hits in a multi-hit attack. (This is now automatically read by the multihit function as a default.)
    • effects: Array of strings; lists the effects the action will apply. (This is now automatically read by the applyEffect and removeEffect functions as a default.)
    • The checks for action link availability. The freefloating functions have been removed.
    • preview has been revamped: In the absence of a custom function, it will construct an appropriate preview automatically based on the action's properties, e.g. if weight exists, it will provide a damage prediction.
  • New Item properties:
    • instantUse: If true, will cause the item's onUse function to be executed immediately when selected, instead of selecting a target first.
    • stackSize: Integer determining the maximum number of copies that can be stored in an inventory.
  • Character HP can no longer be reduced below 1 by negative HP regeneration.
  • Added customization passages for endOfRound and refreshPuppets.
  • Renamed the variables lastingDamage, reviveAfterBattle, and actionRefillAfterBattle to all be properties of one object, afterBattleRecovery. refreshPuppets has been tweaked to make more sensible use of this object.
  • refreshPuppets now automatically removes effects with ULTIMATESTICKY.
  • endofbattle now runs its custom passage before refreshPuppets. This is useful if you need to alter a variable used in refreshPuppets, such as afterBattleRecovery.
  • Puppet and Enemy objects now have an additional function: validTarget. This determines whether they can be selected by the player in the targeting phase, and replaces the massive clunky blocks of logical expressions previously used for this determination.
  • New Actor properties:
    • shieldHits: Returns the total number of hits remaining on shield effects possessed by the character.
    • decTol now takes an additional argument for the number of points to reduce the tolerance by (defaults to 1).
    • testEffect and testRemoval, which test if a given effect can be applied or removed, effectively. These are used to construct previews.
  • New setup variables:
    • STATUS_BUTTON: Text to be displayed to create the status buttons.
    • SCALE_NAMES: Set to true to scale actor names to the width of the actor boxes, as specified in scaledTextDiv.
  • Fixed a bug in BestiaryEntry.revealAll. It will now reveal tolerances correctly.
  • Finally caught up with the modern era and made a repository for the project on GitHub. A link is now provided in the sidebar.


  • rpgengine 26 MB
    May 15, 2021
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