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Potential future expansion (Craig Horsley)

Unfortunately, although the core features of our game function quite well as intended, we never got around to adding a lose state or health system, which I feel would tighten up the gameplay a lot and make it a lot closer to our original vision of an arcade style game like this - currently the game goes on forever until the player chooses to end it, which is a consequence of us trying to balance other projects, being unable to meet up due to the pandemic, and also an unfortunate bereavement in my family which left me with little motivation for the final stretch: however, if we were to expand on this project in future, there are definitely some key things that could be added.

  • A health system with temporary invulnerability on hit - we managed to achieve this in our year 1 project but even back then it didn't quite work properly and it was in a platformer project
  • A proper fail state, as the current project has no way to "lose" right now besides hitting 0 points and no formal end screen
  • Fix the collision so that asteroids don't spawn on top of each other or sometimes even on top of the player
  • Local multiplayer - online would be too complex, but it would be a lot of fun to have two competing players able to push each other out of the point zones and compete to stay the longest
  • A high score board to encourage trying to stay as long as you can
  • Make a death barrier that shifts over time, similar to the concept of the storm in Fortnite that tightens up the playing area the longer you survive for

A lot of these were either missed out due to scope, trying to fix large bugs or the unfortunate reality of the current situation, if we had managed to add these the game would have been a lot closer to our original vision.

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