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Persistent issues with bugs (Craig Horsley)

After having Gabriel helpfully clean up and comment the code and scripts to try and make more sense of where things have been interconnected, we found that the collider box we use to generate the wind is somehow being interpreted as a point circle by the engine rather than the actual point circles we wanted to use - the issue is compounded by Unity's somewhat poor documentation of its API in relation to Physics2D and where in runtime collisions are calculated.

Additionally, we tried to make a collision manager to prevent asteroids spawning on top of each other or on top of the player, but the two attempts at a collision manager that Gabriel coded proved to not quite work as intended, and we weren't quite able to implement one - ideally this collision manager would have been similar to this example collision manager by Wild Cockatiel Games which they used for their game Portal Ball to stop their collectables spawning inside asteroids.

If we had more time and the ability to get together to work as a team in person I think we may have been able to resolve at least one of these issues, but the core mechanics of the game still work well enough regardless and we'll hopefully be able to add a few more tweaks before submission today - there's also a title screen that explains to the player the objective and what each powerup does.

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