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Long update

So time for a long one sorry for the lack of updates for a while but this one should be fairly hefty.

For the colouring, we used Adobe Colour and Craig made some assets for us which were two green rings and made a background and tinged the hue a reddish colour to indicate that it was the "out zone". After that, the obstacle and power up assets were made. 

I then made some scripts for the respective power-ups and ironically, the one I thought was going to be the hardest - the obstacle removal, was the easiest. The temporary wind removal one so far was the hardest due to the fact that it seemingly has a bug and doesn't want to play nice like the other ones have. The aforementioned "playing nice" refers to the fact that due to the way I made them they wouldn't run the script fully as when the player collided with them they'd be deleted so, what I did was I opted to use Co-Routines to allow them to run and then be deleted shortly afterwards. 

However, despite the fact that this was SUPPOSED to be the case the wind removal did not actually stop its behaviour despite the fact it should. It is also unclear if speed up works as I think the speed increased I gave just may not be strong enough. Despite only having a few days I am very hopeful that I can get these fixed before submission. 

I also hope to get some type of collision manager on an empty game object done but I'm not so sure of that. 

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