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Devlog 8

Cave Invaders
A downloadable game for Windows

Devlog 8

Polish phase

We started polishing the game which means no more new features and only adding things for player feedback and finishing the looks of the game. Things we will be focusing on a small tutorial, animations, particle effects and finishing UI.  

First new things

  • player character is fully animated
  • Enemies characters are animated

Animations player

The player now has animations for all his movements and most abilities line up with their animations and some of the placeholder attacks are removed. The ones that have not been replaced yet are waiting for either a particle effect or a prefab to be finished.


The HUD of the game has been Polished as well. More simple but still pleasing style. 


This week we worked on making sound effects and a music theme for our game. Sound effects include all the player and enemy attacks, damage, and footsteps for both the player and the enemies. We also made some ambient noises.

Enemy animations

We've implemented all the animations of the enemies, these are walking, attacking and climbing.

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