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Devlog 9: Start Polish Sprint

Curse of Time
A downloadable game

Welcome to this next week which means a new devlog!

This 9th devlog will be about our first week of polish. Last weekend we had our content lock and we started to work on polishing the features of the game. Our programmers did a lot of bug fixing, enemy balancing and room balancing. Next to all the fancy programming stuff we added some animation and rfx. And  last but not least we changed the looks of our different rooms. Now that this introduction is done let's dive into the devlog. 

Bug fixing

  • Fixed the enemy notify errors, now enemy weapons have a collision and rfx.
  • Fixed the AI spawner, now enemy do not spawn in walls anymore.
  • Fixed kung fu circle.
  • Fixed the setting menu.
  • Fixed the wrong rooms in the level manager.
  • Fixed the issue with the player ghost that flipped between levels.
  • Fixed the enemy glitching through walls.
  • Fixed the visibility of the trap FX.

Other changes

Beside bug fixing we also did a bit of balancing. The player now deals less dmg and can time travel back less. The enemy now deals more dmg and attack with more than 1 unit. We also added a switch animation between the weapons for more readability.


Level decoration

As said previously in the intro we changed the look of our rooms a bit after feedback. The first big change we made is that we changed from dynamic lighting to baked lights. After we baked some lights and fixed the overlapping UV’s we added extra outdoor lights coming from window/ceiling. Beside those natural lights we added a sprinkle of magic by adding blue fire with blue lights in some of the rooms. When the lights were done, we made a quick asset to cover up the connections between the rooms.

Music and sound

Next to the beautiful art,  we have changed the main battle music of the game. The music now fits the style of the game without being too boring. Next to that we added some sounds for the buttons in the settings and pause -menu.


To conclude this week of work we have also added some footsteps rfx.

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