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Devlog 09: Polish sprint week 1

A downloadable game for Windows

Hello welcome back to another UnderFed devlog post, this week was our first week of our polish sprint, this means no more adding new gameplay features to our game, only fixing existing bugs & adding more player feedback features.

sorry for not posting a build last week as there where some fatal errors present in the build that did not pop up in the editor or while working on the game in the editor of unreal. see the buglist beneath for what was wrong.

whats been changed this week:

  • the AI has been modified so that when a NPC follows the player, a certian distance is held so that the player is not blocked when trying to move backwards.
  • the Glow is now used to represent if a NPC is happy, and A red glow will appear when a NPC is getting angry.
  • small changes to the scoring.

This week we added: 

  • This Question mark appears every time the player can interact with an npc. This makes it more clear whenever an action is required.
  • More sounds are added to the game for more player feedback!
    • Working doorbell
    • sound when walking around.
    • when a NPC sits
    • etc...
  • A new cook character for decoration

  • Some outside decorations
  • A restaurant sign

HUD and UI 


  • problem solved that caused game to crash, had to do with a niagara system in unreal. when setting a asset of the niagara and leaving it empty, the game will run in the editor, but not in build. this can be fixed by creating a blank effect and setting that as its asset.
  • they way families where tracked caused a bug, problem was that the linked lists and ID did not match.
  • added extra safety measures to prevent sertain assets from being used that might not be valid.
  • NPC's finally sit straight on their chairs instead of looking to the left :)
  • NPC's move out of the way (kind of) when you change direction, the AI doesn't update quickly enough for now to make it move away smoothly.
  • Navmesh is better so that NPC's don't get stuck walking into chairs.


  • Underfed Polish 208 MB
    May 03, 2021
Download Underfed
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