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Miguel week 8

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Hello, sorry for the late post hope it's okay. Writing it as soon as I can on Saturday.
It was a good development week for me even with the test. I didn tcode anything new and groundbreaking but I added more features to some previous work. I decided to compile all my clips into one video for simplicity:

On the first clip we see the new model alan has produced integrated onto the enemy model. I also brought that explosion effect from another project I worked on once.
On the second clip we see a new attack. I used Carlos code for executing hold attacks, expanded it to notify a FXmanager component to have some particle effects telegraphing when the attack is fully charged. And then added a new spin attack. Adding attacks is pretty quick but getting that animation required some Frankensteining. 

On the final clip I'm working on a new enemy type. The enemy is going to hover. In order to cut down on animation work I decided to try and procedurally animate it a bit by having it tilt with its movement like it was a helicopter. This was meant to be a little small diversion, but it turned into almost half a day of work.... I really should learn quaternions because every time I work with angles on unity I end up taking longer than expected. Other than the animation I also used a cool trick within the enemy design. Each enemy tries to find a place with a clear view to get a shot at the player. However, they communicate with each other and make sure no two enemies go to the same place. This results in them being  a bit "wolf-like" and circle the player. I'm very happy with how that turned out

Not in the clip due to me having forgot, I also added a throwing knive option by pressing E. I did this as a way to create a blueprint to add more items on the future. The knive is very basic and not super functional yet since it's super hard to aim with it. A little "snapping" will definitely be required to make it viable.

On the weekend I have to merge my branch with Paranormix's to have a working combat/reward loop.

Thinking about also adding maps since with the current system that won't take more than 15 mins. And then I think the game is ready to be tested and tweaked.

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