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Project Apocalypse - Pre-Alpha 1.2.0: Full change log

Dead Alone
A downloadable game for Windows


  • First, the biggest new feature of this update is the crafting system ! The crafting “table” is available in the Workbench, here you will have a list of differents crafts for differents items. Each craft cost obviously some resources (which are 6 for now), as the spawning system for these is not fully ready, in this update you will have access to unlimited resources !

Showcase Video

  • Then, in this update I reworked a bit the healing system. The first major change is the addition of a delay when utilizing healings based on the type of heal (Medkits take longer to apply than Bandages for example), healing now also slowdown a bit the player, so, they have to be used with precautions ! Finally, I added a small VFX when healing (SFX are still WIP and will come later)

Showcase Video

Showcase Video

I also added some minor content:


  • (QoL) Increased the timer between each wave (30s -> 120s) to allow the player to use the new crafting system, upgrades his weapons, swap weapons, etc, without being constraint by the time. The player can still skip this timer by pressing ‘X’

  • (QoL) Improved the collision mesh on ‘Vans’ and ‘Suvs’ vehicles to make them more easily climbable

  • (QoL) Made some improvements to the pickup system to be more reliable in all conditions

  • (QoL) Reduced the amount of particles from gunshot while aiming Note: More changes will be done to the aiming system to make it more useful

  • (QoL) Added a little notify when the player can’t pick up more of a certain item when he interact with it

  • (AI) Added more diversity on the run animation for the zombies

  • (AI) Zombies will now spawn less closer to the player and in a more compact way to avoid zombies spawning really close to the player in some case

  • (Balancing) Increased the speed of the player when he is slow down by a Zombie hit (150 -> 275; 400 is the default speed when walking) but Increased the Zombies range of damages (3-6 -> 5-7)

  • (Optimisation) Added missing LODs (Level of Details) on some objects

  • (Visual) Made some visual changes on the metallic surfaces

  • (Other) Changed the hitbox of the player while crouching, allowing it to go under small places where he couldn’t before

  • (Other) As the weapons, taking out and putting away a projectile now takes now less time (0.3s -> 0.2s) (This should have been changed in the last update but it got forget)

  • (Other) Removed the ability to switch shooting type on some weapons


  • (Crash) Partially fixed a problem which could lead the game to crash on some RTX 3000 gpus Note: The problem isn’t completely solved as this can also come from exterior factor than the game itself

  • Fixed some other problematic areas in the AI navigable zone

  • Fixed a bug which could cause the ‘weapons list’ UI to stay on screen in some conditions

  • Fixed some objects stopping the bullets when they shouldn’t

  • Bullet holes should now appear properly on the trees

  • Fixed a bug which could cause the zoom to accumulate when aiming and releasing fast enough

  • The zombies “aura”, which appear when a few zombies are left and get stuck, won’t appear anymore if the player is already fighting them

  • Fixed a collision which was causing the player to be unable to get inside some buildings

  • Fixed the collision mesh on the highrises to avoid getting stuck in the stairways

  • When the player respawn the game won’t anymore skip the wave he died in

  • Fixed a bug with the respawn system which could create errors in the code

  • Fixed issues with some weapons clipping through the camera while aiming

  • Fixed a bug which could make the weapon glitch if it was swapped at a specific moment of the reload

  • Fixed a bug with the reloading timer which could go negative after interacting with the workbench

  • Fixed a bug with the ‘hide weapon animation’ not playing correctly when interacting with the workbench

  • Fixed a bug which could create errors in the Weapon System under some specific conditions

  • Fixed multiple bugs with the ‘Weapons Upgrade’ UI

  • Fixed a bug with the pickup system which allowed the player to get items when they, in theory, could not


  • Project Apocalypse - Pre-Alpha 1.2.0.rar 136 MB
    May 01, 2021
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