is community of indie game creators and players


Three Common Objectives of Digital Media Marketing

Face the History
A browser game made in HTML5
  1. Raise awareness of myself as a developer (Herzog, 2021)
    1. I have chosen this as an objective as I am currently studying game design as a future career prospect, and by using this and other games featured on my account I hope to have a portfolio of work that I can present to future employees and colleagues to show off what I can do.
  2. Inform people what the game is and how it works (Herzog, 2021)
    1. I will do this by using the development logs on that I have already written and will continue to write throughout the process of creating my Graded Unit 2 game, informing those that are interest (such as other developers) how I created each part of my game, how it works and how I got it to work if it didn't at first
  3. Keep an open dialogue with fanbase (Herzog, 2021)
    1. By creating these marketing and development logs, with comments turned on, I hope to encourage people who play my game to comment on my work with if they enjoyed my game, what they think of my process of development and any other such comments that they may have.


Herzog, S., 2021. GoConqr - Marketing Objectives. [online] GoConqr. Available at: <https:"" mindmap="" 20859450=""> [Accessed 21 April 2021].</https:>

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