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The Plot Thickens - Ver 0.42 is here!

63 Little Pieces
A downloadable game for Windows

Hi, guys and gals! 

New version available for Windows & OUYA. Go grab your prefered version... or both! Sorry OUYA fans for the delay, it just wasn't working :)

(I think an image here would be nice ... let me go get something ...)

This past few months I have been working of strengthening the game's concept, implementing the most important mechanics, reforcing the game's shell, narrative and script. I want to make this has deep, dense and immersive as I can, with the time i got. Everything is under fulltime scrutiny. In the process I can't make everything at once, so I work on what bothers me most from the current build but keep moving towards the overall goal.

Version 0.42 updates:

     Visible changes:

     - Title Screen - Background change associated with player progress;
                                    - Options are now displayed diferently;
                                    - Extra levels Menu has been removed
                                       (not being anything there, for now);

     - Options Menu - Background change associated with player progress;

      - Hub menu - Background change associated with the chapter displayed;
                                  - Added score goals necessary to obtaining the achievements;

     - Pause Menu - Added score goals necessary to obtaining the achievements;

     -  Level Design - Revisited levels 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9;
                                        - Changed level 5 cleanest path;
                                        - Changed critical paths in level 9;
                                        - Chapter 2 - New background art;

     - Plot - Script is more dense then before
                  - it has been fully written, may receive more updates upon feedback;

     - Cutscenes - Art update associated with the world the cutscene is for;

     - Controller Support - Support system has been updated and, aside XBOX,
                                                      Playstation controllers are also supported; 

     - Bugs - Fixed objects depths;

     - Art - Several minor updates;

     Other Changes not visible:

     - Main Campaign  - Mechanics for Chapter 4, 5, 6 are ready for level design;

     - Special Levels - Art styles changes are now supported;
                                        - Different challenges implemented;

     - Hub Menu - Updates made in the last chapter;

      - Added more cheat codes for testing purposes;

       - Added code to take screenshots;

Yours truly ;)

Stay safe and have fun!

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  • 63 Little Pieces V0.42 | Windows 74 MB
    Apr 21, 2021
  • 63 Little Pieces V0.42 | OUYA 77 MB
    Apr 21, 2021
  • 63 Little Pieces V0.42 | Windows - Demo 74 MB
    Apr 21, 2021
  • 63 Little Pieces V0.42 | OUYA - Demo 77 MB
    Apr 21, 2021
Download 63 Little Pieces
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