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One down, one to go...

Reverse the Curse
A browser game made in HTML5

Between poor time management, and analysis paralysis, I have fallen farther behind than I expected. It is day 18-ish and I just completed a very basic tile sliding game. I now need to to get the basic 2D adventure game started. And once those are done, I need to add interaction between the two.

The down time has given me time to think. I had plan to use the boar rotate as a reward/ability for the tile sliding game. but now I am going to use the rotation of the tile game as punishment, not as a reward. Each time the timer runs out, it will rotate 90 degrees either clock-wise or counter-clock-wise.

I have simplified the Adventure game significantly in my mind. It has gone from a inventory management/ ghost dodging adventure with switches, doors, and powerups to just a simple cat mouse game, where ghosts will chaise you and you need to collect and place candles. There will be two flavor of ghosts. one flavor will be active at a time. each time the time runs out the ghost's active states will inverse. To help support the Inversion theme I'm hoping to have the map flip. I will have the doors despawn, and walls pop up. If I have time i want the items teleport to mirrored locations.