Posted April 17, 2021 by Georgik
Time: 4,5 hours
Gems. Why did I thought implementing them will be straightforward. First I decided I would implement collecting them in a similar way as with the keys, too late I noticed that's not what the simple inventory script was designed for, and had to make it the same way as in a RollABall Unity tutorial. Then I fought with Unity glitching out collision of tiles, causing dynamic objects to fall down without apparent reason (even after restarting unity). Another, this one unfortunatelly unsuccessful battle with finding a way to make underground darker.
I also got inspiration from original 2D Game Kit gameplay and implemented camera constraining the view, but that is not really working because that depends on player's display's aspect ratio. Finally I completed the feature where surface appearance changes according to amount of collected gems.
To be continued:
- finally add enemies
- make sure everything from OPD is done (remove that pistol from her!)
- add level completed screen somehow (or leave it be for user to enjoy the sun?) + player lost?
- be a tester, fix bugs.
Then in spare time (if any) add some decoration underground, fix ugly transition from underground sandstone to dirt, fix camera constraint.
Figure how to improve Gem count UI (the lifes and keys UI are not adjustable, I don't know whether I can simply append my gems count under it.
As a last note, during the implementation many doubts about the OPD arised in my head. The feature where progress influences something at the end is great, but 1/2 of the gems is really low, I tried and it seems you even can't collect all keys without collecting at least half gems. Also the surface can change while player is watching, which is not desired guess.