is community of indie game creators and players


Progress Log 2

Reverse Pong
A downloadable game for Windows

Software Engineering

Overlooked the complexity of what I wanted from a lobby menu. Thought you'd just join and set settings without seeing other players, but desire changed

Development Screenshots

Below are a few screenshots of the current state of development with the level and lobby. All screenshots and UI are subject and are bound to change prior to release as development continues .

Part of a Game Expo!

I made Reverse Pong as part of Florida Polytechnic University's 2021 Virtual Game Expo. We all had about a month or less to design and develop a game while having the option to use assets such as models that weren't ours. The games will be published on April 23rd and will be ready to play. There are some great games being made, so be sure to support them by voting!

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