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Dev Log - (001)

Cold Blooded: Expo Demo
A downloadable game for Windows

Source -> Cold Blooded - Soldier's Rift

To kick off our first dev log onto the site, going to generally go over the concept of what Cold Blooded was and what it become while posting some screenshots of the current version! 

Originally when we were hammering down the Idea for what the game was going to be we started off as a Reverse Xcom game, something you could make a Squad and send them into a mission to take over a planet. This... changed a lot from our first idea, as we found an RTS game was more our calling, and so we went on to settling for a setting.

Why the Cold War? Why fantasy races? Well, why not? It's one of those things where we just want to make games no matter the weird and wacky concept and we felt that something like this is interesting, as most media do not have differencing races in general.

Thank you for coming to this small little Dev log and reading up on Cold Blooded! There will be a Free Demo coming on the 23rd of April, stay tuned!

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