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The Chosen Devlog #1

The Chosen
A downloadable game for Windows

When I began to learn the ins and outs of video game design, I felt like a fish out of water.  There was so much to learn and so little time.  I am immensely grateful for those in charge of Unity and Unreal Engine that made their platforms and education materials free.  "The Chosen" is the first project that I have worked on that feels like it could really be something big.  The idea began as pipe dream that my friend and I came up with one night while gaming together.  At the time I did not realize how lofty our dreams really were. 

We wanted to create a first-person shooter where you play a Van Helsing like character who must fight various mythical creatures from many different cultures.  I began doing research and designing characters.  I had never done much in the realm of 3D and animation and realized that I was not ready for that kind of project.  I changed the idea to be a 2D platformer game with a similar storyline, however  I continued to face challenges.  I am in school and designing games on the side, so as one might imagine I have very little funding.  After several attempts of trying to draw character frames one by one, scanning them, inking, coloring, and importing them into the game engine, I decided to switch my focus once again.  I discovered Aesprite during this time and realized that pixel art was easier to implement.  I had to go back and redesign all the artwork, but in the end, I was happy with the result.  "The Chosen" in currently in very early development (very early).  My goal is to create a platformer that stands out from other platformers in that it more closely resembles an RPG with a unique combat AI.  Get ready for a captivating story line with characters you love and others that you love to hate.  Check out the short demo and share with your peers.  Also, you can follow me on Instagram. @banggamedev


  • 114 MB
    Apr 14, 2021
Download The Chosen
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