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Project B – Journal Entry 1

Spectral Shift
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

11.4.2021 - Getting Started - 1.5 hour - Finishing first draft and project skeleton

I have received an one page design to implement, which consists of multiple square blocks.
My first thought of the visuals was that I am some kind of lab rat in a sadistic testing facility
and I am being tested in their rooms. Something portal-esque.

I will try to create some assets to fit these feelings.

There is nothing to see in the level right now, I have implemented all presented
scenes except coin, random level selection and projectile shooter mechanic.
I am excited to implement these features, but being in already premade 2D kit,
I fear of being overwhelmed of already implemented features and scripts.
Hope of using some of them though.

As I am on Linux, I did not have enough time to test Windows
build, so I hope it works correctly.
I will find more time in the later weeks to work on this project.


  • 74 MB
    Apr 11, 2021
Download Spectral Shift
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