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Dreams of Reality: Ch3:Part One (0.3.0)

Dreams of Reality
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Dreams of Reality Chapter 3:Part One (v0.3.0) Release Date!

It's been just under four months since the last update to Dreams of Reality. I wish I could turn these around faster, but in order to do so I would have to sacrifice the content and the quality I am striving for.

Speaking of quality, this is something I am always working to improve, update to update I want there to be noticeable improvements to the UI, gameplay systems the rendered images. Even the writing. Every time I sit down at the keyboard I'll try to learn something new - I hope with the release of Chapter Three:Part One you will agree with me and continue to support my efforts.

The public release of Chapter Three:Part One will be on Friday 23rd April. Supporters will have their hands on the VN before that date (depending on support tier). Below I have detailed the change log and for those who like to look at raw numbers, the totals for the update. Before I get to that I would like to shout out to the following who's help and guidance has been invaluable in making Dreams of Reality a ...reality.

To the two beta play testers: Thunderrob and TD, who have the guts to tell me something is crap, but in a nice way.

ZoeyRaven: who does the PDF Walkthrough, who also has the guts to tell me to stop being stupid and just write the damn chapter!

Elfthryth is the proof reader, But she's more than that however, she is my life and puts up with the really dirty and lewd stuff I write. In fact, some of those scenes were her idea...

Dreams of Reality (Ch3:P1) (v0.3.0) Changelog:

  • Game updated to version 0.3.0 (Chapter Three: Part One).
  • Replay section has been updated and now shows all the animations of the previous updates.
  • Text bar can be turned transparent via the settings menu.
  • A variable affecting Danielle has been corrected.
  • Louise showing up towards the end of ch2:p2 even when you split from her has been corrected.
  • Small bug with save naming and then switching to the load screen has been fixed.
  • Several typos and corrections to text fixed.
  • Some improvements to the UI. Some elements have been updated.

Breakdown of the Chapter:

  • Story: 26560 words
  • Rendered Images (Static): 907
  • Animations (time): 64 seconds
  • Animations (Rendered Frames):3840
  • Bonus images: 17
  • Lines of code: 5957

I look forward to reading the feedback for the next update and I hope you are eager to get your hands on the update as well.


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