is community of indie game creators and players


30% Milestone, and Support Other Itchfunders!

A Modern Prometheus
A downloadable game

Monstrous friend,

A Modern Prometheus has just hit 30% of our first stretch goal! This is another big milestone, and we're getting closer and closer to being able to commission new art from the lovely and incredibly talented Cara Tune to grace the pages of every past and future copy. A Modern Prometheus is the first time I've commissioned art for a game, so I'm keen to have as much as I can possibly afford, with your help! 😁

Support Other Itchfunders

A massive shout out to Kegan (, @keganexe) today for compiling the Itchfunding List:

The Itchfunding List is a one-stop shop for tabletop projects doing the kind of thing that A Modern Prometheus is doing: crowdfunding without using traditional crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. The reasons for Itchfunding over Kickstarting are no doubt diverse. Sometimes Kickstarter doesn't operate in your country. Sometimes the pressure of planning, managing, and implementing a Kickstarter is too much (✋🏻). Sometimes you might have philosophical concerns about the high-intensity algorithm-driven popularity-contest model of crowdfunding sites, or their business practices. So Itchfunding is a way of bringing projects to life in what is, hopefully, a more accessible, sustainable model for the indie TTRPG scene.

I would love for you to head on over to the Itchfunding site and browse the projects available there. Consider supporting as many as you can. Your support of A Modern Prometheus has meant the world to me, and I know all TTRPG creatives get a massive thrill whenever someone supports our games!

As always, if you can't afford to pay for a project right now, a social share, a comment, or a review of a community copy (if available) goes a long way to increasing visibility and getting projects funded!

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