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In The begining

If I Die (Working title)
A downloadable Adventure

The dichotomy of good and evil has been a big part of your life so far - pushing the edges of your brain, making you question the very meaning of your life and questioning every decision that you have ever made. This is a game that explores those themes as well as taking you on a journey of recovery when those unwanted thoughts drill themselves so deep into your brain you don't know how to get them out again. I am proud to present (albeit in a very early stage of development) If I Die, the story of my experience of recovery and the struggles that it brings. 

For those of you who have played before, I'm super excited to bring you all the newest version of the game for you to peruse! If you haven't played before, then welcome! Take a read of the quicks list and then get on with playing it. It has a load of new and exciting features for you to get to understand and doubtless some bugs for you to discover! Here is a list of features that I am most excited about:

1 - A boss room with a (kind of) working boss! You have to go through the strange portal in the black room to get to the boss room. At the moment there is only one boss, but there are plans to make another 12 moving forward (based on your feedback on this boss of course). The game will break down after you beat the first boss, so you might want to quit and re-join the game once you have beaten them. AI for the boss is a bit janky, but bear with it, it will get better!

2 - Working items! For those of you who have not played the game since the introduction times, we now have working items for you all! You can find them in the menu screen that you can bring up at any time by pressing tab. You can then assign items (it'll give you instructions when you first open it up) and watch your stats grow! There is still no art for them, so anything that is not a square is an item.

3 - Conversation! So, these are in their infancy, and have not been profread AT ALL! They still have a LOT of work to be done on them, but I would like some feedback on whether you think each of the characters has a unique voice and people you enjoy (I'm not going to say 'like' because you won't like very many of them). The UI elements for the discussions is DISGUSTING right now, but I'm just using a 'straight out of the box' version of it. I will be introducing character cards and different colours for different speech text and stuff like that to make reading it a lot easier. Please don't judge it too harshly based on these very basic speech patterns! Also, I know some of them are broken :/

4 - New enemy types! There is one new enemy type, and all I'm going to say is that you need to get your running shoes on to beat them! I'd like to know how hard you think they are and whether you think they are fair! If you didn't play the last version, then they are the pink ones.

5 - New rooms - this is an ongoing part of the expansion of the rooms. I am nowhere near where I want to be on this, but it is a slightly larger pool of rooms to choose from and a more exciting range of enemies.

6 - Fixing exploits! Those of you who thought that they could get away with sitting outside of the room and shooting whatever was inside? Well, you can't do it any more! Enemy spawns are now reactive to doos closing and are no longer limited to just one spawn - lookout for multiple enemies coming from spawns.

7 - Root system changes! These are some major changes to the way that the game works in the background, but you won't notice any difference! If you want to know more about them, then I can tell you.

So - I would love some feedback on the game! Spend 5 mins with it, or 500. I just want to know what works and what doesn't in your opinion. I want to know about any bugs/flaws that you find in the game - and exploits that you find. Tell me if you like it or not - and don't spare my feelings!

There are some bugs that we know about:

1 - The items menu NEEDS TO BE OPENED AND CLOSED AGAIN before it will do anything. I don't know why, this is just what needs to happen right now :( Hopefully, I can fix it soon.

2 - Sometimes your cursor will disappear. Well, this is just a quirk of the conversation system that will be modified when I develop the system more. In the meantime, if your cursor disappears and you need it, try pressing Q to bring it back. 

3 - Broken conversations. Some of the conversations are VERY broken, and it will feel like two things are not linked in any way at all. This is because I'm lazy - Nah, it's actually quite a lot of work to get them to smooth right now and I know that the conversations will change a lot in the future, so I haven't made them as smooth as they could be. 

I hope you have fun if you decide to play the game!


  • 24 MB
    Apr 05, 2021
Download If I Die (Working title)
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