is community of indie game creators and players



The Hotwife
A downloadable game

Ok so I missed my end of March update here so apologies for that. 
Here is where we are:

  • Chapter 1 is written and coded as of tonight and just requires polish, some debugging, but most importantly visuals, I released a Patreon preview a few days ago but to be honest I am not thrilled with the first sex scene lighting and will redo it.
  • I commissioned a GUI that has now been integrated fully into the prologue and chapter 1 which leads to,
  • Going forward I am going to just release the story as a complete package, having truly separate chapters isn't going to be feasible in the long run. I will redo the prologue to cut out the Chapter 1 preview and then also integrate it into the whole story.  So future visitors, if you want a quick idea of what you are getting into download The Hotwife: Prologue.  Otherwise download the main "The Hotwife" builds.
  • I feel good about how the story is progressing. I hope when you see it you will also.
  •  I have enlisted some help on the visuals, while that is causing some delay in the visuals right now, in the long run it will help as the 2 most time consuming tasks can be worked on simultaneously.

Prologue changes.

  • Changed an internal variable to enable a minor dialogue branch that was impossible to have.
  • Integrated GUI
  • Mitch and Jo now have custom name colours.
  • Removed Chapter 1 preview
Download The Hotwife
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