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0.1.9 ~ Wawsp Nests

Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World)
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

It took longer than I meant :| but I built some new game systems and learned a lot about 3d modeling, AI, and monster creation workflows in the process. At the very least, I think the Queen has turned out pretty well and will serve as challenge for those of you that have been looking for some more difficulty, as well as a new character that I love.

New content ~ Wawsp nests can be found out in the wilderness. New monsters, items, and a boss have been added to the game!

Balance changes ~ Monsters have been given 'burst armor' again, meaning the more damage they've taken in the last couple seconds, the more damage resistance they'll have. This is to prevent bosses from being melted too easily.

New effects ~ Screen Space Ambient Occlusion can be enabled in the settings, it still needs work but looks pretty good in some areas. We have magma now too!

Fixes ~ Car is heavier and drives a bit better. I was also able to finally fix Mrs. Slitherss, by making her stretchy, so her body glitches out less.

Next order of business ~ Item swapping via hotkeys, a world map, quest system, and spells. Surely that won't be hard xD I hope everyone is doing well.

The wawsp boss music was made in collab with Edward K Stuart and myself, with some tweaking by BCFRecords. It can be found on SoundCloud and Youtube.

## [0.1.9a] 
### Fixed 
- Wawsps' prey floating alone in midair the tunnel 
- Wawsp Queen track hyperlink in menu
## [0.1.9] 
### Added 
- Wawsp Nests can be found out in the wilderness     
    - New monsters, Wawsp, Wawsp Larva, Wawsp Queen boss     
    - New weapons: Stinger Missile Launcher, Raptorial Blade     
    - New helmet: Wawsp Queen's Head
    - Magma: lights things on fire and repels them 
- Ambient occlusion effect in settings menu 
- When landing at high speeds, Player will slow self down and emit dust clouds  
### Changed 
- Monster have 'burst armor' again, making it harder to one-shot them 
- Car is heavier, drives a bit better 
- Gamepad support toggle setting, disabled by default 
- Title Menu is pretty 
- Explosions can harm player inside car  
### Fixed 
- Arm no longer gets stuck behind your back 
- Mrs Slitherss is stretchy now, which mostly fixes her body freakout glitch


  • Juice Galaxy 64-Bit 173 MB
    Version 0.1.9
  • Juice Galaxy 32-Bit 170 MB
    Version 0.1.9
  • Juice Galaxy Linux 64-Bit 172 MB
    Version 0.1.9
  • Juice Galaxy Mac 180 MB
    Version 0.1.9
Download Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World)
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