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#6 Devlog: Start Sprint 2

Yeet The Kiid
A downloadable game

Start Sprint 2

Sprint 2 has started . This will be the last real development sprint as the last sprint we have planned will be a polishing one . There is still a lot to be done but we plan to have everything finished as good as possible. 


The first level is pretty much finished gameplay wise so our attention begins to alter towards level2 and new features. Most "new" things will not be as noticeable as before as they start to replace already existing objects or don't really change the gameplay that much. A great example is the animation/textures for already existing objects such as the drum trampoline . The objects already did it's job but now that is has its texture it's truly finished. A lot of focus also went to UI . There now is a main/game menu present which allows you to change settings, quit and load/play the levels.


Some assets still need their own texture but are still in production. Most textures now mark the end of the production of an asset. They make these assets feel alive an overall makes the game more fun. Perhaps the most noticeable object still needing its texture is the floor. We plan to make the texture this week but it has not fully been designed yet. Something like Rayman Legends would be great but we also have to take our current level design into account. Animations are also starting to enlighten the gameplay. This week we finished the child main character animation. These animations depend on the state of the object for example in the gif above, we can see the slime falling and reacting to that with the corresponding animation. 


 Our second level is basically finished gameplay wise but still needs some playtesting. The previous level has been tested a lot and we plan to continue this for every level as testing makes great levels. This new one plays more in the way of height and challenges you with new puzzles. Some new elements are present that were not seen before such as the box respawner. This will allow you to try a part of the level again without really restarting the level. Platforming also starts to get important. 


UI is quite important in a game , this allows the user to navigate the game and  choose on how they want to approach it. We plan to have the features pictured above inside the main/game menu. 

Play/Resume: will play the game at level one / resume the game where you left of. 

Load/Restart: will load the level which you last played and did not finish (will be saved outside the game ) / restart the current level. 

Options: Will show some options on how to approach the game. Some of these are : window size , sound volume , ...

Highscore:   Each level's highest finishing score will be saved and can be seen here. 

Menu: Returns to the main menu. 

About: Some information about the developers. 

Quit: exits the game completely. 


Some new objects have also been created this week. They are still in prototype phase and may get cut out the game. They will probably be the last real "new" assets as still a lot has to be finished . The new objects include:

lever respawner :  Respawns the same box at a fixed position. We decided the already existing could be reused for this one. The animation has been altered to fit its purpose more.

Enemy: The enemy is a character that 2 main mechanics. Seeking and running towards the player , throwing projectiles at the player. He would make the game feel more alive as everything till of now is just an object.

Ferris Wheel: A spinning cabin that can transport the player with a circle movement pattern. The child has to be thrown inside this cabin and jump out himself. 


The next main animation will be the dad as the child is now finished. With the dad moving the game will lose the current static feeling and a new layer of fun. The floor textures will also fully go in production. Development wise : the new objects still need to be refined and tested. UI development will also continue as some features are still missing. 


  • YeetTheKiidDev4.rar 24 MB
    Mar 31, 2021
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