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Hololive Isekai Update #7

Hololive Isekai
A downloadable demo for Windows
Hey everyone! I'm reviving the "Weekly WIP" series but instead of calling it "weekly" (because it's not weekly anymore /sweat), I'll be calling it "Hololive Isekai Update". So, same thing as before, it will be a small update post, showing off work-in-progress screenshots, presented by the lovely Yumei.

Hololive Isekai Update #7

A New Coat of Paint

Ossu! Yumei here. Did everyone miss me? I'm back with another update post! I have a lot of exciting things to show, so take a look!

Images shown are not final.

Wow! The look of the game has changed a lot. Drweam hopes that the game is now a bit more distinct and has its own unique style. I'm liking the change so far, what do you guys think? Let's go through each of the different parts of the interface and I'll explain what's what!

Starting with the character skills - each of buttons have different visual styles to tell you what skills can be used, what is being selected, and what you are currently selecting.
The icon art have also been updated and is drawn by the wonderful Geek! You can check out his profile here. Geek is also the team's feature designer, stuff like the visual novel like segment of the game is all him! He can draw, code, and even make miniatures, talk about talent!

Next, the tooltip. Drweam has strived to provide as much information to the players as possible, and with this new update, I think Drweam managed to achieve most of it! Below the main block of text features a cute little text bubble, which shows you what characters the skill can aim at - red diamonds means aim away and crosses means no bueno, duh! There's also a new icon with a number inside. This number means the number of enemies it will hit. So the bigger the number, the better, I think.
And what's this? Colored text? No more percentage symbols? Yes! The information displayed here also tells you the amount of damage you will deal now. These numbers will change based on your character's current stats. Neat! Now I don't have to do all that mental calculation anymore. Just take note, the actual damage dealt by your character will still vary. Drweam calls it high-roll versus low-roll.

Another interesting addition to the tooltip is these additional icons. When it's allowed, skills will feature two additional icons - a skull and a collection of arrows. The skull means that the skill can be aimed at fallen characters and the arrows means the skill can be aimed at the casting character (self, basically). If the skill can only be aimed at the casting character themselves, the diamonds and crosses will be changed into a text, saying "SELF". Pretty SELF-explanatory isn't it? Ha ha!

Sorry, I couldn't help my-SELF...
Okay, I will stop. Next up, Drweam is adding a brand new mechanic, which is "Guarding" (the topmost button). Drweam says it's nothing revolutionary, it's a simple spell but quite... unbreakable...? I don't get it. Anyway, Guarding allows players to set a character into a defensive stance. They will take less damage and will even go first on the next round. Wow!

Lastly, Drweam has added a round-counter. It basically just shows players the current round. Apparently, some characters will have skills affected by the round number, but don't tell Drweam I told you guys that.

That's about it for this week. Drweam hopes to add more features on the game, that will provide players with more useful information, things like a "Turn Order Table", "Status Effects Icons", etc. Drweam's words, not mine. I don't even know what those are.
It will still be awhile until v0.3 will be release, due to everyone's busy schedule, but I hope everyone will be patient with us.
Until then, mata ne~
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