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Devlog 05: Production week 2

A downloadable game for Windows

This week we have started implementing interactions, the build doesn't show too much on the interaction side since for now everything except for picking up items and letting an NPC follow you (but this does not always work), happens by debug messages. all objects in the scene that should be interactable are now blueprints in the level. The table blueprint spawns it's own chairs when the game starts. We've learned a lot about Unreal C++ this week such as that it has it's own functions and types for everything and how some of them work. These do come in very handy and are generally targeted towards performance which is great. We've also had a lot of problems making the NPC (NPC-AI) work well but these are all resolved now.

Here are some screenshots of some of our completed artwork.

here is a wip for our costumer model and a picture of the  finished waiter model :

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