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Devlog 5: end production sprint 1

Curse of Time
A downloadable game

Here we are again with a new update in this 5th devlog!

In this week we focused on getting some assets done and giving them some textures. Additionally, we added some basic sounds too like different sword swings, footsteps and the time warp sound. The dev members focused on fixing bugs on enemies, spawners, pooling of enemies and a dash with the stamina mechanic.


We made our first RFX flame particle, it will be the flame of a small torch of firepit. The flame was made with a basic mesh render in a Niagara system.

Assets and Texturing

Beside the RFX we made some assets to start building our room. In those assets we can really see the art style that we have chosen. This art style consists in a Low poly with no smoothingroups. For the textures we will simply use flat colors that will later interact with the toonshader we have implemented.

We also translated the main weapon from the  previous concept art in 3D.


The spawner is reworked so now we only spawn the enemies we need. For that to work we ask the enemy manager to get an enemy type instead of spawning all the enemies we need in the spawner itself. This has been made so we can re-use even more enemies than before.


The dash is now implemented together with a stamina system. stamina will now be used whenever you dash or do a heavy attack and will regenerate back. The number of dashes can now be defined.

Kung fu circle

The base of the kung fu circle has been implemented, the actual grid can already be seen by the developers, and most of the mechanic has already been written in the enemy manager. But we are lacking a behavior tree for the moment, that will be for the next sprint. The kung fu circle is used so that enemies will stand in a circle around you and attack 1 by 1.

Level manager

The Level Manager was remade so now we can get a random map with a boss room, a reward room and rooms of varying difficulties. We can now make a bunch of rooms of the different types. After selecting one of the right type the LevelManager will randomly select a room according to the selection. When the player goes from one room to another only the rooms next to the current room where the player is located will be shown.

Other changes

- We have also reworked the killing spree system (the animations are now changed, and you'll now be able to walk faster than before).

- The combat has been changed, now when you walk forward when attacking it is only taking half of the movement speed instead of the full movement speed making the attacks faster.

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