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Devlog 4: start production sprint 1

Curse of Time
A downloadable game

Hello again and welcome to the 4th devlog.

This week we moved out of the prototyping phase and moved on to the production of our game.At first we spent a lot of time making a decent planning and dividing the tasks for the future coming sprint in our project.


Code wise during this week our programmers mainly focused on cleaning up their code, they remade a large portion of the code that was running the game. The keybindings were also remade and we added new kiosk controls. They also made a refractor code for the light, heavy attacks in de player component.

New features

Beside that we also implemented some other features. The first one was the main character. The simple model that we have of him was implemented. Next we added a  a ghost that follows the player so he will have a better understanding to where he travels back. And at last but not lease we implemented the base enemy and a switch between weapons.


We also added a little knockback feature for the heavy attack.

Basic rig

For the art we started to make a basic block out for our main character and started rigging it.

 Outliner shader

 In addition we made researches on a black outliner shader for the characters, enemies and assets. We are going to use a 3-band cel-shading in combination with an outline shader.


  • Week5 117 MB
    Mar 15, 2021
Download Curse of Time
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