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Happy Screenshot Saturday! This time for HYADES, we're trying out something new with... text sounds and character "voices"!

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello, and happy Screenshot Saturday! This time, we're tryin something different with implementing text sounds and character "voices"!

As a small heads up: audio isn't my wheelhouse? This whole week's been a lot of troubleshooting and experimenting but hey! We've got a thing to share now, so let's talk about it!

Something I've heard about before for HYADES is how there's not a lot of audio in the game? Specifically, not a lot of sound effects. Well, this is our remedy for it! Text (with an option to turn it off) can now play a little noise as you read it, and characters can even have their own "voice"! It's still in the works, but hopefully we'll be able to add more character even with this simple touch! There's even capabilities to add sound effects in each character's "voice", and so they could hum a little chime before speaking!

Of course while the current demo doesn't have the little blips as it reads, there's still a BUNCH of fun text for you to check out in the game's public demo! Give it a shot today!



As always, stay safe, take care, have fun!

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