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1.0 release!

Awaking Colors
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

This game was made for the Brackey's game jam 2021.1, the theme was: "Stronger together"

So, I started thinking the idea, the first thing needed was to interpret the theme, what could it mean? Many ideas passed through my mind, but the one I settled down with was a puzzle-platformer where ypu had to "awake" other characters making then shine, the aesthetic I wanted to go with was minimalistic, I simply thought it could look great without needing to to too much artwork, and, since it was my first game jam I could save some time. The problem was finding a color palette that I liked, trying to find colors that made contrast and looked fine, I passed many hours and hours trying to figure out a color combination that I liked

I went with this one (even though I  wasn't fully convinced, I needed to continue with the game):

Great! Now is time for making some levels!

The first one was pretty simple it was the tutorial after all, here some rules where stablished, not only for the player, but also for me, helping the whole game feel cohesive. For example, one of the rules was that you couldn´t return to a previous room, making you solve each puzzle trying to bring with you as much characters as you could; other rule was that the more charactes you brought the easier it got.

This 1st level had 4 rooms, in each one you could find one of each of the 3 types of characters that the game has (the medium, the small, the big, and the box).

The  creation of the 2nd level itself wasn´t that difficult, until I tried to find a second color palette... If the first one was difficult to fing this second was a nightmare, I just could not find a combination good enough for what I was going for...

It was just then when the idea came... a grey world where the characters are the ones who has the color and you had to awake the,(hence the name).

Changing the color of the first level was easy but the feel it got was completely different:

I decided to create 7 distinct levels (one for each color of the rainbow), unfortunately I ran out of time and could only finish up to the yellow level, and published it.

During the two weeks the votation lasted, I recieved some coments, people really seamed to like the aesthetic, but the controls were a little sticky, so I adjusted some parameters and a couple lines of code and the jump felt more responsive

I also used that time to finish the rest of the levels (cutting the Indigo one out due to the similarities it had with the blue level). I tried to explore a little new mechanic in each level, like in the greeen onr, where you need to use boxes, or the blue one, where water was the main focus.

Creating this game was really fun, I learned a lot, and I hope I can continue to bring more and more games to life

This is a general look of this journy called "Awaking Colors: Bringing back color to life"



  • AwakingColors.Windows.0.2.exe 37 MB
    Feb 21, 2021
  • 23 MB
    Mar 13, 2021
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