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Notes for Debugs and Fixes (playtesting)

Dream Eaters
A browser game made in HTML5


Fix angling of obstacles when players run into them it causes them to go at a weird angle and stay that way

Yellow player spawns and immediately runs into the wall and dies

Rng bullets discuss the physics of it and spread people said no issue here

Reduce number of obstacles on the base stage since they add periodically

Add animation for calamity when objects are being dropped

Tutorial level to explain game

Visual indicator of spawning

Reduce time or have a respawn mechanic of some sort maybe based on points

Online unity capability

Hard to tell how much of the trail was deleted from shooting

Controls wsad and e changing the keys

Confused on choosing number of players and tutorial

Make enemies and sound effects in game scarier to match it

Make sure the replay value is high

Moving obstacles

Most fun game bc of multiplayer and very into it

Gap behind player is visually annoying 

Aesthetic needs to fit the name dream eaters more change the material of the trails to fit

Player select screen is a bit jarring didn't realize she was someone controlling a character because she didnt have mouse controls

Make tutorial more prominent and attention grabbing yet it very easy to understand anyways

Pause screen control list

Likes colour scheme

Neon colour scheme

Slightly bigger horizontal of the board size

Levels progress to have adaptive music more percussion 

30 seconds per round is okay

People may get bored watching one person play less obstacles so people dont die instantly 

Gradual change 

Test distance of trail from player

Add a spawn animation to make player location more obvious and spawn player at start as well

Paths don't delete they sort of chunk and sometimes they do a lot we need to look into changing how trails delete we found this was often coordinated with the colour of balls

Points to incentive to destroy trails and coop maybe different weapon types at certain point values

Reduce enemy spawn or have 

despawn between round

Takes off wherever you shoot it weapon bonus?

Balls sometimes stop sometimes kill bug fix

Orthographic camera to fix distortion along edges (the camera has a 60 degree cone of vision like in real life atm)

If going one direction make it so you can't back peddle ex using d can't use a

Red path is slow

Slow building spawn and initial spawn

End screen show round number total and individual times dead

Make enemies 

Fix obstacle direction and slanting of movement causes death from angling of walls

Buildings getting stuck on top of trails should go through

Hard to tell where building is falling show some indicator

Thought they were trying to kill each other allowed to play game is unintented but add incentive

Points coming directly off of what's being shot to gain point will help us tell the issues

Sometimes ball just stops you 

Probably animation delay also let animation play when they die

Ball didn't die from being shot

Switch so anyone can kill ball that isn't their own colour is already difficult enough players weren't focused on their colour ball

Add a parsec tutorial and make the tutorial surrounded around parsec usage 

Destroy enemies give powerups jump over wall or through them

Player floating

Enemy spawn indicator

Stick with 90 degrees add controller then add tilt option

If we add a point system make it so they lose all points when dead

Lewis change text to in game text or make it rainbowed

Look into buffing last person movement speed

Chunky trails antifun

Chunky debuff could be a mechanic for trails

Check if too many objects or if shooting too many objects is causing disparity

Have constant spawn marker so people know where allies spawn 

Change so when balls spawn they don't explode outwards 

Character model from object angle falling desync

Can't start tutorial page without choosing a character

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