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Day 5 - Plumbing

A downloadable game

I've developed a complete inability to produce these devlogs in anything like a reasonable time. Perhaps that means I'm spending my time more fruitfully on development. Perhaps.

Progress since last blog:

The inventory is fully functional, although the buttons to interact with items don't actually do anything yet. That means that features need coding. Sigh.

The crafting system now consumes the appropriate resources from the player's inventory! This is good. There is one interface bug that I haven't managed to squash yet, but it will be squashed when it is squashed. Coding fatigue, etc.

Refactored the inventory code so it can accommodate items that are stackable and those that are not. I've just realised this means more code for item interaction from the inventory GUI (drop how many items in the stack?). Oh joy!

What I'm going to do next:

There needs to be more graphics! Items need to have graphics. Points of interaction on maps need to have graphics! Monsters need to have graphics! Some of these I will adapt from the existing resource we're using, but most of them I'm going to draw from scratch.

I'm going to continue working on music as well. No one wants to silence while gaming, right? How else do you drown out the thoughts in your own head?

General thoughts on the process thus far:

I think a good 80%+ of my time has been spent doing GUI work. That is horrific. Godot's GUI system is an immense thing - the very engine itself is written using it. So, it's a brilliant system, extremely powerful and versatile. But it's also labyrinthian, and time consuming to work with. An aspect of this I'm sure is familiarity, of which I have a working amount, but by no means exhaustive or even complete. Still, I'm picking up things from hacking at it. 

There will be a game at the end of this process - at least one of sorts. I hope we are able to keep (most) of the promises we made at the beginning of this process.

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