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Version 0.9.5 is out!

Cave Engine
A downloadable Game Engine for Windows


Guilherme here (the dev) and I'm glad to announce that I just released the version 0.9.5 of the engine!

For this release, my focus was on the new Particle System (yes!!) and the asset thumbnails. I also did some important bug fixings and usability improvements, as always. And yes! We now have a bunch of cool thumbnails. The assets and the scenes have rendered thumbs to help you localize what you're looking for. The particles are fun to play around, I even did a video that you'll be able to see bellow!

Something important for this version: I included some debug informations. If you experience a crash in the engine, there is a file called "fileLog.txt" created near the engine executable that you can send it to me on my discord server. That way I can figure out what is going on and help you!

And talking about the discord server: Do you want official support? Chat with me or even suggest new features and be part of this new amazing community? Then you definitely must join us!

Click here to join the discord server!

Now, let's jump to the features!

Major features:

  • Particle System!

Materials, Scenes, now have a proper rendered thumbnail in the Asset Browser

  • New Default Mesh type: UV Sphere

Minor Improvements:

  • New icons for the Materials and Image Textures
  • Zoom in/out the asset browser individually
  • Zoom in/out the text editor individually
  • MeshComponent: now it starts with the default cube and material by default


  • Fix: GLSL Shader error in some GPUs
  • Fix: Drag and Drop assets to the editor was not adding the asset to the project browser
  • Fix: It was not able to drop assets to a folder anymore
  • Fix: Avoid Physics Mesh generation every frame when you're selecting a rigid body (it was causing performance issues in the editor)


  • Uniday Engine 22 MB
    Mar 11, 2021
Download Cave Engine
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