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Revamping graphics and sharing some personal thoughts on zines and my life in general

Black Tide
A browser poem made in HTML5

I recently rediscovered how zines are made, I mean the old school zines, those little physical beauties made from collage, text wrote on typewriters ans photocopied in black and white... what an irony !

I realize how silly this is and how silly this might seem. As a teen I used to be very much into zines, I do not recall ever making one, but I was reading them a lot, it was part of a subculture I wanted to be part of. We used to write with friends a collaborative journal (each entry by someone else), and it usually gave new perspective on what happended, new point of view, new way of writing. It became our collective memory. A one-only-copy zine that we would share with those who were eager to read it.

And then I became "mature", I lost my personality, I stopped spending my time on all this "nonsense" and I concentrated myself on serious matters. And I forgot all about zines.

Since a while, I have this impression of rediscovering my real personality, peeling the layers off, one after another, day by day. It's a long and energy consumming process, but the upside is that I'm rediscovering who I really am and what was buried very deep in my heart, that I completely hushed during all these "mature" years. Maybe it's why the whole zine thing just clicked so naturally. It's what I was back then in my youth, at early teen years. It's funny how this all comes to light, and how I suddenly I rediscover how old-school zines were made.

So I went down the rabit hole of physical zines, discovering one after another and now I'm in my personal heaven. I just spent my afternoon making collage zines with my kids,  improvising, bouncing off of each others ideas. My kids are very much into zines now as well (that's completely normal, they are young they are interested in stuff their parents like, we'll see later how it develops ;) ) But it makes me so happy to be able to share this passion with them and just spend a lovely creative afternoon we all enjoy.

Also I just can't believe I simply forgot and ignored the existance of zines for so long. The whole thing continued while I decided to occupy myself with serious stuff that made me unhappy. I'm sure I'm not the only one who went through this. Why is life like this ?

Anyway, I learned that March was the month of #MiniZine and so I looked at my little cutie baby zines and thought that the graphics of Black Tide were really, really rudimental and I wasn't really happy with them. At the time I spent scarcely any time on it, I just wanted to get the thing out of my system.

I like that poem I wrote though, the first poem I ever shared with people, so I figured, it deserved better, and that maybe I could revamp the graphics a bit to make them well.. less rudimental and a bit nicer to the eye ?
I hope my efforts did result in at least some improvement for the reader ^^'.

And if that was not achieved, at least I can comfort myself with the thought that I like it better this way :)
(and that self-acceptance is a very important factor in my self-esteem, and in my morale in general ^^')

Thank you for reading <3 !


  • Black_Tide_new_layout.pdf 1 MB
    Mar 08, 2021
  • A4_Black Tide_printer_friendly_new_layout.pdf 1 MB
    Mar 08, 2021
  • 933 kB
    Mar 08, 2021
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