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Coding updates (Gabriel Langmaid)

Hey there, Gabriel here. just wanna talk about a load of stuff I did for the project over a few days.

So you can find a bit of the failed attempts in PlayerMovementBackup as that contains a bunch of code that was SUPPOSED to be used  with the OmniDirectionalMovement script. Essentially, as I discussed with you in a session prior the move by translate was no good for the end product I desired from the game. 

So, I took brackets CharacterController2D and actually edited the code a bit and repurposed it for my own purposes. I'll later remove the capability to jump in any capacity but because of a function signature edit the code now works well with an AreaEffector2D that's having the optimal values worked out right now but, it shouldn't be too hard as I've set up easier editing by adding sliders and various pieces of logic in the base code.

So, currently, we have the core game loop fully finished now all we need to do is add a visualization of the 2 circles, some music, and extra features at this point.

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