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Devlog3: Prototyping

Curse of Time
A downloadable game

Hello and welcome to the 3rd development log.

This week we are still prototyping and finishing game mechanics. The goal of this week was to improve our game mechanics that we already had to make them more enjoyable and user friendly. We also made improvements on the art bible by adding new concepts and by doing more research on how the 3D style is going to look. 


We made the animation/combat system more flexible to change and less hard coded. We can now be better to add stuff like stunning people and eventually a knock back.

Beside that we made the weapons more flexible for balancing animations like speed, damage and added a stun/hit.

Spawning System

We improved the spawning system to spawn multiple waves. Along with that we made it expandible for the future when we will be adding more enemy types.


  • Adding mechanic that the enemy will only follow/attack the player when he can see him.
  • Changed the enemies when they're non active they won’t fall off the map.


In addition to that we made a new projectile-based trap. That will kill/damage the player upon hit.

Killing spree

Beside that we reworked the killing spree mechanic, the combat animations will now be faster whenever you are on a killing spree. We also added a score system that will be used to count-up the score when enemies are killed it will also add up with the multiplier. We will later use this score to make a leaderboard.

Concept weapon

Beside working on game mechanics, we also worked on new concepts and researched materials and 3D assets. One of the latest concepts we added is the main weapon. It will be a sword which will be inspired of the steampunk style.

Random room sequence generation

First of all, we made room of various shapes. The rooms must have 4 entries and a rectangular shape.

As we said earlier, we finished the random map sequence generation. Now there will be copies of the rooms streamed to the new room positions. Enemies will only start to spawn when the player enters their room.

On top of that we also changed some player, enemy and enemy spawner values. Now the game is more difficult to play as the player now must keep fighting to survive the rooms.


  • [Group09] Game Project Build 126 MB
    Mar 08, 2021
Download Curse of Time
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