is community of indie game creators and players


Jesse's Devlog

Soul Saver
A downloadable game

2 Weeks Game Jam

Task - programmer

  • Week 1

Day 1
Research ideas for the game.

Day 2
Start a new project in unity and build a basic prototype. Research for 2D AI group controller.

Day 3
Write the script for the player army controller. Set up the navigation in unity and write an AI script. Test the AI script and make them trace the player army.

Day 4
Write a script for the game manager and do a simple game testing. Write a script for the game round system.

Day 5
Debug for the round system. Write a new script for the in game UI controller connected with the round system.

  • Week 2

Day 6
Write scripts for the player and AI buff controller. Connect those scripts with the game manager.

Day 7
Write a script for the in game UI and connect with the game manager. Write another script for the main menu and connect all the buttons to the script.

Day 8
Help artists to fix the Player and AI animation.

Day 9
Do the game testing and get some feedback. Fixed all the problems and made a game build.

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