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Devlog2: Prototyping

Curse of Time
A downloadable game

Hello and welcome to the 2nd development log.

In this second week we decided to name our game “Curse of Time” since you will play a Time traveler which got back in Time. The game will be a Time-Based hack and slash with levels placed in a random sequence. The Final level will be a boss which you have to kill/destroy before winning the game. Beside that we made some changes and added some new mechanics.


The Dark Pope, leader of the Cult: Satanic Saints, has successfully completed his summoning ritual. They released a Dark Overlord onto the world which has enslaved the people and destroyed humanity. As a time traveler you have set yourself the goal of saving the present world. You will do so by preventing the summoning ritual from happening. Better be quick about it, as you can’t stay indefinitely in the past. Time is limited.

New Mechanic: Enemy spawner

We made a new game mechanic: it is a spawner that uses an object pool to spawn enemies. It will spawn enemies every x amount of seconds. With that we made very basic enemy AI (just follows the player and damages him after x amount of seconds that's in the collision box).

Game mechanic changes

We changed the time warp mechanic. Now it will teleport the player back instantly to a previous location x seconds back in time. We added a health component that is able to take damage every second and make it visible in the UI.

Animation changes

We also changed the animation system. In the first place we stored the animations global. But now we are storing animations on each individual weapon. Which gives us the opportunity to have a more flexible way for working with unique animations of each weapon.

Generate random rooms.

The Random map generator is using streaming levels. We are using a set of pre-built tillable rooms, the map generator will use those rooms to make a different level every time. First it will create a small integer-based map with the integer values representing the room difficulty. Then it selects a random room for the selected room difficulty and streams it in the level. It still needs some tweaking before it works perfectly but we added a little streaming demo in the build.

Level design

Level we made a first prototype of how our level-design will look using some simple assets. The levels will have some large open spaces where you have enough mobility and place to fight. Some assets to block the player. Or traps to damage then player and add more complexity too the rooms.

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